Rally + Kick Ich - NUKED MY MANDARIN


I am treating my tank for Ich, and tried a dual combination Rally + Kick Ich. I have a FOWLR system. Both medications are labeled reef and invert safe. I followed the directions on the bottles to the letter.
When I woke up this morning, my Mandarin was white all over and it looked like a lot of his skin was peeling back.
I had to flush him. Prior to the treatment he was completely healthy, and was swimming all over.
I can't believe this stuff is labeled as being "safe", when it is clearly not. I just hope it actually works for the Ich.


Active Member
You probably used more than you should have. And that is a common sickness that fish can often come down with, it was most likely not related to the dosing of the medecine. Those products stated on the label that they are "reef safe" meaning they wont hurt corals/inverts etc, which they don't.


Active Member
you should always qt sick fish. never dose meds to your display tank. it would also be advised to hypo your fish and not use meds.


No, I am certain it was the medicine that nuked him. Absolutely no doubt in my mind. He litterly looked like he was nuked, and was perfectly healthy a couple of hours before.
I followed the directions on the bottle. So if the directions are wrong, I guess I used to much.


Active Member
Your story is another on the list of those that really prove these medications do not work as they claim. In some cases, people use them and report success, but in reality, the fish get better in spite of the meds, and not because of them. There are two proven treatments for c. irritans; copper and hyposalinity. They have been scientifically proven to work. There are studies and journal articles written about the methods of use. There are no such studies ever put out by the companies that make kich-ich, rally, or any of the other crap out there. People can waste their time and money, and gamble with their fish at the expense of these so called reef safe cures, or go with a proven method.
I'm not railing on you Firstborn, but simply pointng out to the many people who preach success with snake oil that it is not effective and if your fish got better, your more lucky than anything. My sense is combining the two meds may have been toxic to the mandarin. Go with the proven method of treatment.

good alex

For ich i always use the natural way and i have cleaner shrimp and cleaner wrasses in my tank that get rid of the ich from my fish beforei even have a chance to put them in quartine and the ich goes away for good. That cleaner wrass really does hes work!!


Active Member
Yep, I agree with nicetry on this one. On top of that, mandarins are very sensitive to any kind of medication, "reef safe" or not.


Active Member
Ryan, please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that "alleged" reef safe ich meds jack with Ph levels quite a bit which can be fatal.


Active Member
You are correct, Wade. If the kH in one's system is off, the "reef safe" meds can wreak havoc.
In this case though, the mandarin probably just did not like the meds going at its heavy slime coat.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
You are correct, Wade. If the kH in one's system is off, the "reef safe" meds can wreak havoc.
In this case though, the mandarin probably just did not like the meds going at its heavy slime coat.
Well I sure like to be right.

Firstborn, first of all welcome to the message boards!!!
This place is a wealth of knowledge. Second, I am sorry for your loss. The best investment you can make is a quarantine tank. There is a great outline on setting one up on the first thread in the disesase and treatment forum. In the meantime to TRULY rid your tank of ich, you will need to run your display tank with no fish for the next 4 weeks. Best of Luck!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Donna D
how come my cleaner shrimp isnt picking the ich off my clown? :notsure:
Check your original thread. FWIW, try to keep your questions in a single thread rather than address them in someone else's. It makes it easier for everyone to get the answers they need.


Firstborn, how many other fish do you have? They have all been exposed to ich and all need to be treated. What is in your display? Do you have a qt tank set up? If not I highly recomend that you set one up or else set up a rubbermaid tub for your rocks and inverts and hypo the display.


I was led to beleive that this product worked by a LFS that stands by this product.
I'll make a long story short. I followed the directons exactly for a week (with no visable results) before 2 fish died. These fish were healthy except the mild case of Ich that I was fighting. I did not finish the cycle because of the 2 fish dying suddenly after being fine before the treatment. I immediately set up a QT to save the other fish. The surviving fish have improved in half the time (with visable results) in the QT. I won't tell anyone reading this to buy or not buy a product because what works for some may not work for all, but having been there and done that, I can honestly say that other proven methods work without a doubt. If the only reason you choose to use this product is to escape the hassle of a QT, I will simply say make the sacrafice, its worth it!