Rally + Kick Ich?...


Anybody have any experience with RALLY and with KICK ICH? I just started treatment today with KICK ICH... now I notice some torn fins and a lionfish with one cloudy eye... what could that be?... Is RALLY effective for these things? Are these products easy to remove once treatment is over?


Active Member
Kick-ich did nothing for me except kill my feather dusters -
the only thing I have found that works is Quick Cure by Aquarium Products ($4.99) with Garlic and cleaner Shrimp.
Buy the cleaner shrimp, soak the food in Garlic and add 1 drop per gallon of Quick Cure every day until you see the ick disappear.
Then use it every other day (unless ick reappears) then every third day, every fourth until it's every 7. then every two weeks, the once a month and your problem will finally go away.
After the ick is gone start reducing the Garlic soaked meals as well until you are no longer treating your food.
I have a LIVE Rock system and lost nothing using quick cure. I have had three separate bouts with ick and this is the only method that has been successful.


Active Member
I do not reccomend any reef save meds because they are not near as succesful as hypo. I am not saying they won't work, but they have a lot lower success rate than proven methods like hypo ( thanks Anthem) Since you have started the kick ich already then make sure that you dose according to the tanks actual water capacity and not what the tank is sold as. Most tanks hold alot less water then what they are advertised as and when you take into account water level and rocks, you really have less. I do think that alot of people overdose with reefsafe meds and wipe out whole systems. I am a huge fan of garlic as a preventative measure because I believe that it boost the immune system. I have no proof aher than personall experience and other success stories on the boards.