Random Newb questions


New Member
I have a 75 gal FOWLR and here are my recent para.
Temp 78.7 Ph 8.0 Ammonia .25 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 80 or more 1.022 hydrometer
Temp 78.7 Ph 7.8 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 160+ 1.023 hydrometer
I've been testing frequently because this is a new (to me) established tank and I am still learning. I am headed to the LFS to get an additive to bring the PH back to 8.2 today, but am I need of a reccommended product. The LFS carries lots of API...any good?
Also was wondering if there is an adapter like a brita filter for my faucet that will reverse osmosis since I don't have the money do buy an expensive $150^ filter, but need to do something about these nitrates in the mean time. I read another thread about WALMART/***** selling RO water per gallon, but haven't been able to research this for my area yet.
One final question is sadly I buried my flame angel 2 days ago and my cinnimon clown seems to be scared of me now. He swims normally even acts normal towards my girlfriend, but when I walk up to the tank to say Hi he's been hiding behind a rock until I leave... This started when I netted the angel.
I have learned a lot from the website and plan on getting my para. more constant until I decide to get another fish..any suggestions/comments regarding this stuff? Thx.


Active Member
I don't think it was established or you had a few things dye on you, because you shouldn't have any ammonia once established.
I would leave the PH alone, until you have more readings it is difficult to say if PH is a problem. What is your calcium? Mag? A PH of 7.8 isn't bad as long as it is consistent.
I would be worried about your nitrates, and this could be a reason why one fish died, and the other is acting skiddish. Water changes will more than likely fix this.
Do not use tap water, go to walmart and but RO water, 40 cents a gallon (or so). YOu need to start doing water changes every other day (i would suggest 15%) until your nitrates are below 30.


New Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
I don't think it was established or you had a few things dye on you, because you shouldn't have any ammonia once established.
I would leave the PH alone, until you have more readings it is difficult to say if PH is a problem. What is your calcium? Mag? A PH of 7.8 isn't bad as long as it is consistent.
I would be worried about your nitrates, and this could be a reason why one fish died, and the other is acting skiddish. Water changes will more than likely fix this.
Do not use tap water, go to walmart and but RO water, 40 cents a gallon (or so). YOu need to start doing water changes every other day (i would suggest 15%) until your nitrates are below 30.
The tank was in my girlfriends dad's house for 3+ years we transfered it 1/2 mast so the live rock wouldnt need to be recured... It was an xmas present. He didn't test regularily towards the end of transfer or feed regularily either.
I believe the ammonia problem with this tank was becuse there were only 2 snails. Now I dont see any. So this is another thing I have to do, get another cuc.
I believe you're right on the nitrates killing the angel. I stupidly bought him after hearing that they just got a bunch of angels in... Shoulda let him get adjusted to his environment there...and then bought one later. He had to adjust twice and my high nitrates prolly did him in. I am going to do some water changes to get them down, but is there a sink based filter thats RO? One like the brita filter that you adjust to drink? If not I'll have to research the WALMART thing...but honestly I hate the one by my house.