Random polyps from out of nowhere!


So I've just started my first saltwater tank. It's 40 gallons and is set up to be fish and live rock only. It's been running about 2 months now.
Yesterday, I randomly found 4 individual polyps on one of my rocks and have NO clue where they came from! I'm just wondering if someone can give me some tips on how to keep them alive! They are very pretty so I would like to keep em as long as possible :)
Do you need pictures? My photography skills are very sub par but i can try to get a good pic. Also, they are VERY tiny still!
Any help is greatly appreciated!


if thats the case, google is bringing up loads of different pictures so im not sure what i should actually be looking for. do you have a good picture of what that is so i can compare?


Hmm I don't think that's what it is.
From what I see, it looks as though those have long rather 'disorganized' (ya know what i mean?) tentacles.
The ones i have have shorter tentacles that form a perfect flat ring outward from the mouth.
I'll keep browsing through pictures to try to ID it until i have a chance to try to snap a photo when i get home.


Ok here's my wild attempt at photography!

Hope this helps!
and thanks so much for replies so far! you guys are the best!



Active Member
Originally Posted by blkhawk10
The 1st, 3rd, and 4th pics look like aptasia
+1 That is totally aptasia.
Because you don't have any corals in your tank, I guess you don't have anything to worry about immediately, but aptasia is like a saltwater "weed"... except they also sting other corals and suffocate them. They start growing from nowhere and keep on multiplying. The best way to treat them is by dosing your tank with "Joe's Juice" and peppermint shrimp also have a voracious appetite for them. My brother had some aptasia in his tank and he added 2 peppermint shrimp. Over the next few days the peppermint shrimp slowly ate away at the aptasia until it was gone.


definitely apitasia. had it in my lr when first set up my tank. Get it quick. Don't try "pulling" it out every piece left will form another one. i speak from experience. I got a peppermint shrimp from my lfs for just that reason and she took care of the problem. There's a lot of different posts on here about remedies.
Hold up! Jazztap, I believe those are some type of polyp or zoo. Let it grow! Its not gonna hurt anything. Get a peppermint shrimp and see if he eats it! Aiptasia is almost see-thru redish brownish tint.