rant rant rant!


Active Member
Ok here i go.
I was at ***** today (buying treats for my precious doggies) I happened to walk through the SW section to look at the poor animals. I saw a man Recommending CC (of course) and several mislabled fish. The thing that made me mad was not petcos fault, well maybe a little bit.
There was a man wanting an anemone. They had sebae, and condylactus, and long tentacled anemone. The man wanted the sebae.
He asked the Wonderful ***** employee, for help. "can i have this anemone?" He had a new 15 watt actini that the ***** employee recommended he use for the anemone. The employee started to pull the anemone out, but then the man realized that it was 30 dollars.
"forget that, just give me the cheap one" he was referring to the condylatus anemone "they all host clowns anyways" . I was about to open my mouth and go off on my little tangent when my wonderful mom, came and found me. I wish i could have saved that little anemones life. Oh well, cant win em all.
Sorry about that i just needed to blow off some steam.


Active Member
After all the horror stories I have heard about *****, I am almost afraid to go in there because I might see something that will make my blood boil. :mad:


Active Member
yeah, i agree. I am almost to the point where i only buy on line, so i dont know whats going on behind the closed doors.:(


Not that I buy at *****, but the ones down here have some pretty health Rarely to I see a tank with Ick. I also wouln't ask any of them for advise. I have also witnessed first hand giving out bad advise to customers. My LFS's are all really good, and if you get to know them, they (mine), will discount some stuff for you;) I got my LR for just over4.00 lb.. great looking stuff as well. :D


Do they even have a basic training on taking care of the animals, for their employees?


Active Member
I was at ***** today (buying treats for my precious doggies)
And not only that, i was with my mom. I do not buy any aquatic merchandise from them.

Originally posted by Daniel411
Do they even have a basic training on taking care of the animals, for their employees?

Saltwater Boot Camp
"I need 6 volunteers for latrine duty... You soldiers standing in the back line had better have brought fresh carbon and new filter pads with you, or it will be push-up hell, with skimmer cups in front of your noses. Now get to scrubbin' on those wet/dry's you maggots!"
I believe ***** should either hire employees who have a decent knowledge of SW Fish or just keep SW Fish to the specialists of the trade. Although not all of these stores are filled with these unknowledgeable people, most are.
I think the thing is that a lot of ***** employees (not all) seem to be ex-McDonalds employees who've traded in their spatulas for fish nets. I don't mean this to be offensive to the more educated ***** employee. What I mean is when you think of working at McDonalds you think of mindless work anybody can do, without a speck of experience. It seems ***** hires people on the same basis. All they have to do is plug and sell their products.
I have been on the other side of that coin though. When I was, probably 13, I worked at a LFS and hadn't the faintest clue what I was talking about. Looking back on it now, I wish the manager hadn't hired me or at least kept me with only the reptiles which I knew more about. The point of the matter is, the company is completely at fault for hiring inadequate employees so sometimes I almost feel bad for the customer, the pets in question AND the employee.
What can you do?


Active Member
Regardless if you are buying aquatic merchandise...dog food or whatever...you are still supporting *****...
You either support them or you do not.


ALL people who work at ***** are not idiots just like ALL people here are not hypocritical, opinionated know it alls. Just this last week I witnessed at least 15 dead SW fish in the ***** tanks in my town. I understand that my local ***** sucks like many others but all the blame cannot be placed on the employees who get treated crappy and make $6 an hour. If they paid $20 an hour they would be able to get some knowledgeable people in there but nobody would shop there because everything would cost too much.
As crappy as my local ***** is, I must say that the ***** in Rockford Ill. is about a million times better, it is not a bad place at all.


New Member
I'm new to the hobby, but I've already seen both sides of the coin. I agree with AustinReef - Austin seems to have some fairly decent *****'s. It seems to all depend on which employee is there. I bought my 46bowfront from them, and dealt with a very knowledgeable employee. I've seen him try his best to reason with customers about what they should/should not buy, but HE doesn't have the authority to refuse to sell a fish to a customer! Like Langcjl mentioned, they're making minimum wage and are not highly skilled. They're following orders, and those orders are what usually cause 50 maroon clowns to be put into one 10 gallon tank. I think it's important to remember that those employees get all the blame, but are not usually the ones making the decisions or store policies. Just my $ .02 :p
By the way, AustinReef, where the heck are you getting live rock for $4/lb in Austin ????????


as far as ***** I wish I had one near me so it would brake the monoply here I have one saltwater store here and that sucks. my LFS needs competion so he gets better stuff and knock him off his power trip ! ***** doesn't want to pay someone 12 dollars an hour for the saltwater depeartment. come on guys think about it they make there money on other things not saltwater.


As *****'s go Rockford, IL is better but still not up to snuff. I have yet to go there and not see some sort of bacteria, fungi, or other diseased fish. At least they do have a semi decent selection of fish, lots of different crabs, and anemonies. My favorite store is acually ***** in Aurora, IL. All the others suck but they got some guy working there that really knows his stuff. I've been going there for over a year and he is the only employee that is still there. He's to young to be the owner so I don't know what keeps him there. Like langcjl says, the pay isn't good. Great selection, heathy fish, lots of unusual fish there.


Is there something we can do about this. Can we bring some legal action against stores like ***** since their employees are dumb. I am really against selling cleaner wrasses, since they die right away. I NEVER go to ***** and other animal killer giants, because I feel that if I see some 16 year old kid talk about marine animals as if he is selling lemonade on a corner. I thing we should really do something. Do we have any resident lawyers on this site. Please help the animals and us as well.