Rare glimpse , Red Serpent Star


Active Member
Here is a pic of my red serpent Starfish, only comes out for food, had lights off to acclimate new fish, and he graced me with his presence for a quick pic, not the best but taken in hast:)


Active Member
Indeed, it is a beauty (aren't they all?).
Because people will most certainly ask about the critter, it is Ophioderma squamosissimum. Say it 5 times fast.
This is a rare serpent in the wild, and should be kept be experienced hobbyists with large mature systems such as this one. It is the most delicate of the serpentstars in the hobby, often falling victim to improper acclimation. It is, in some ways, as delicate if not more so than a blue Linckia
and requires at least a 4 hour acclimation.
I have seen SO many die from acclimation stress.


Active Member
Sue ,Bless you, Queen of the Starfish, :D , Thank you,
a quick question is there another blue starfish other than the linkia?


Active Member
Hmmm. There is a blue version of Linckia multiflora (NOT the "blue Linckia." It is pretty tough, actually.
Is your tank a reef? A blue Linckia would probably be a happy camper in there if you don't already have one...frankly, even if you have one, you can probably do another.
Ummmmm. There are some other blue's...I have seen a red/white/blue cushion star (not reef safe) Culcita
Let me get out ye olde reference book...
There is a bluish Fromia

Some brittlestars in the genus Ophiothrix
are blue/purplish.
There is a northern Pacific cold water star that is blue, if I recall.
But all in all, it is not a particularly common color I am afraid.
Here is that cushion star (note some aren't all that pretty, but this one was nice)


Active Member
Right here at SWF.com, its legs are about 7 inchs long, center is the size of a half dollar,
Sue, what does a blue Fromia look like?


Active Member
I will show you, but you have to promise not to encourage anyone with a tank smaller than yours to get it. :) I don't think it is all that common and I don't want there to be a sudden increase in supply of this delicate animal. It may be mean, but sometimes sacrifices need to be made :D
FWIW, I don't think I have ever seen them for sale. And I hope never to see them commonly available.
They may really not be very common in the wild.
Actually let me just send you to another site of mine (which is a Smithsonian research site, so I hope it is OK). It is the star on the main page, under the title. Not totally blue, just the arm tips.


WOW! :eek: That blue formia is an amazing star!!
Ophiura, do you know of a brittle star that is white with black stripes or mottling? I think I have a hitchhiker in a hole in my LR. I just see the arms (I think they're arms!) coming out about 1/4". If it is a brittle, it's a little one.


Active Member
There are actually many many brittles with such coloration. The hitch hikers tend to be on the smaller side. Perhaps in the genus Ophiactis.


My red serpent has pinkish white arm tips (3-4 inches)
Bought him this way from a 2nd hand LFS. Any ideas why hes going white? Still a healthy orange body and inner arms.


Active Member
Sue thanks, I would never encourage anyone to get , anything for there tank , especially starfish, I do encourage anyone to research anything that they add, I was offered a blue starfish by the LFS they didnt know excactly what kind it was, looks like a linkia to me, ok what does a multiflora look like? does it it like a true linkia?


Active Member
Linckia multiflora does come in a blue morph, though I don't know that it is that common. Typically, it is somewhat mottled on the arm tips. I know that Ryebread has posted some photos in the seastar thread started by Jillian...it should still be here somewhere. The blue morph still seems to have this mottled reddish arm tips under the blue. Quite cool actually. I know of pictures, but they are on another board :D
Feel free to email me at ophiuroid@att.net and I will direct you to some articles that have some photos. Hopefully we can track down the beast you are talking about. A light blue one comes to mind- almost impossible to keep, but it also tends to have some pinkish parts on it.