Rare Golden Moray Eel price


I was thinking of adding a moray eel to my 75 gallon FOWLR setup, when I stumbled across a rare Golden Moray Eel at a LFS. This is not the dwarf golden eel. I really haven't done a lot of research on eels yet. Anyways, The LFS is asking $80 for the eel. Is this a good price? Any comments on taking care of a Golden Moray eel?


Active Member
For 80 bucks, I'd get it IF it is, in fact a true golden moray. Find out the sci. name. If it's gymnothorax melatremus, buy the thing immediately and laugh all the way home at your fantastic deal! That's the so called "dwarf golden", and many stores don't know what they're selling (as I've learned on this board!).
If it's a Goldentail moray, sometimes called a Golden Moray, and its sci. name is gymnothorax miliaris, you'd be getting a good deal, but a very different eel. Goldentails are very attractive, in my opinion, but are 2 foot eels full grown. It's probably worth the 80 bucks, though. They're not gold, BTW--unless you find the light colored variant. One I saw at my LFS was a nice, dark mottled one, and sold for $105.
Also, if you have small fish, the eel will likely make lunch out of them.


Active Member
If it is a dwarf golden, go for it! They only get about a foot, max, and often are less than that. If it is a goldentail, it is still a pretty good deal. My lfs has gotten them in for $70. A very cool fish too. Bo


you might wanna do some research though. morays can be hard to take care of. it could be a good buy, or you might just waste $80.


From what I could tell, this was not a dwarf golden moray eel. It was already a foot in lenght and an inch around. Although, it is a nice gold/yellow color covering its entire body. Don't the dwarf golden moray eels have blue eyes, as the eel I saw did not have blue eyes. I believe the eel I saw is a "Gymnothorax miliaris".