ray and foxface


New Member
Hi I have 1 yellow stingray 1 blueline grouper and 1 kole tang.I want to know if a foxface or angel will hurt my sting ray.One more thing are they hard to care for i was thinking of a magnifecent foxface or a black angel.
Happy new year


Active Member
Foxfaces are ok becuase they don't pick on them, but I wouldn't do it, IMO. I just wouldn't risk it.
And yes, no angels with rays or sharks(bamboos, catsharks, horns, eppies, basicly any non-active-swimming shark).
No angels, puffers, triggers, or butterflyfish is usualy the recommended not to get list with rays and sharks.
What size tank do you have? Is the ray a yelllow?


New Member
yes it is a yellow stingray.the tank is a 75 gallon tank but i have a 240 gallon that i am waiting on to cycle.what would some good fish be for tankmates.


Active Member
Well I think it'd be best to have just a shark and/or ray, maybe a grouper, and maybe an eel or something.
Best not to overload it and sharks/rays need a huge filtration.
Also a yellow ray needs more than a 240g. If you are going to do a 240g and can't go bigger, then trade your yellow ray for a cortez ray.


Well - the Cortez grow to about 16" long (max TL as adult), and can kept in a standard 180 gallon tank (Although naturally a standard 240 is better).
Just make sure you have plenty of swimming room for it.
As for price - I've seen Cortez in some LFS for about $65-75.


Active Member
Originally Posted by yellowray91
How much gallons do cortez rays need and how much do they cost

It's not as much as gallons with sharks and rays as it is demensions. I agree with krj-1168 about a 180g min.
They need at least a 6'long and 2' wide tank.


New Member
i have a freind who has a shark pond so i can give it to him when it gets to big for my 240. Can i keep a cortez ray with my yellow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by yellowray91
i have a freind who has a shark pond so i can give it to him when it gets to big for my 240. Can i keep a cortez ray with my yellow.
How big is the yellow ray? Also it realy depends on how little live rock you have and how much filtration you have.
How big is your friends pond?


New Member
i think it is somewere around 700 gallons.
my yellow is about 6 inches from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail. i dont have much live rock since rays like alot of sand.


Active Member
ok, 700g is a good sized pond for a yellow ray. I would love to hear more about the pond and it's tankmates.
Anyways, yes you can keep a yellow ray in a 240g till it outgrows it and you could probably keep a cortez with it.Since the yellow is so small you can have it for a couple years at least.