Ray Keepers. Pics, ID


How often do you all feed your rays? I know you are suppost to feed twice a day, but can I get by feeding once daily? Also I was told this was a Cortez Ray but could not find any pics of them, ID help would be great. I've had him a few weeks and hes already hand feeding!



can u post full tank shots and is that a puffer in there cause u might have problems with him nipping the ray but then agian u might not


i can post on when i get off work. The puffer seems to be fine if him. Hes actually scared of the ray. Why would you need a full tank shot? I was just curious if any one has a cortez and can tell me if this is one. Thanks


Active Member
also known as a spotted ray.I feed my 2 times daily.as far as getting away with cutting his feed down,yes you can get away with anything when it comes to feeding schedule,But that doesnt mean he will stay healthy.This little guy is a varacous eater.mine makes me feel guilty for not feeding him 4 times a day.I feed mine pellets in the am along with all my other tanks. for pellets I use thera+A non medicated anti paresitic formula by spectrum.
this takes about 2 min out of my time every morning to feed 5 tanks.Pm feeding I feed frozen mysis shrimp to my spotted ray.this also takes about 1 min to feed him if that.YOu know what your fish needs to stay healthy., think about it.is 3 minutes a day realy too much to sacrifice?


I was wondering about feeding not because of time, but quality of water. How many times do you change your water for your spotted ray. This is my first ray, I did alot of research, but still dont want to do anything wrong, you know! Also did yours take to pellets right away, I am feeding mine silversides, about 4 full size ones cut in half both morning and night. Also when they poop do you clean it off the sand everyday or just let the filters break it down??


umleashed, what do your nitrates stay at, someone told me these guys are sesentive to that, mine stay at about 20ppm.


Active Member
I do my best to keep nitrates at 0 normally I test once a week if I do have nitrate readings it no more than 0.10 I do weekly water changes 20 % the mysis works best I just break a chunk off and had it to him the pic shown above is him eating a frozen chunk of mysis.he went right at the pellets.he is always browsing for something to eat and these pellets sink right away so they are very easy for him to find.I think he smells it cus it goes right for it,doesnt waste anytime.as far as silver slides go yes they can eat them but they have to work harder to do so.they do have very tiny mouths also my tank must be kept to perfection for the rayhe at this time is housed in my refuge for my reef tank.when hes larger he will be placed in a shallow 130 6 ft tank.also due to evaperation my tank gets about 4 gal tops every other day depending on the humidity.he aslo has snails to help keep his fuge clean and lots of macro algae to reduce nitrates in his portion.this guy is not picky at all when it comes to food I used to keep a choc tang with him and my ray used to eat his veggie flakes


wow, what do you keep your temp at, not knowing what kind of ray he is I have been keeping it around 76-77, I know the cali rays need colder water, what about these guys?


Active Member
my temp stays around 80-82 but thats the temp of the reef its self due to MH the sump may be a tad cooler from lower lighing but all of the water circulates trough the sump and refuge keeping it a bit cooler.I did notice color changes in him after feeding the pellets.as I did with all of my other fish, his spots became smaller at close range veiw and more vibrant.I have been using them for about 2 months now and notice the change within a month.I also use the same pellets for my fw tank and even those fish are more colorful and bright.the food is a bit more expencive than normal about 15.00 but so far its been well worth it.also his home may be smaller in space but he has the water movement of a 185 tank.a bit easier to keep nitrates down


Active Member
I think it depends on what site you have looked at.some say calli some call it spotted its kinda confusing.but on another site it is listed as an expert only species as with all sharks and rays


Active Member
nice ray make me wanna get one.....i may change my mind! whats the diameters? Whats the temp at? tank mates?


its in a 125 gallon with 75lbs of rock on the sides, middle is open sand, tankmates are a porc puffer and a blue damsel. Temp is 77


Active Member
Originally Posted by tainte97
its in a 125 gallon with 75lbs of rock on the sides, middle is open sand, tankmates are a porc puffer and a blue damsel. Temp is 77
thats exactly what i thought


Mine was more of a rescue mission. My Mom bought it for me because they had her at the lfs in a really small tank with more stuff in it and she had like blood stains under her body. Someone there wanted to buy her, but he had a 20g tank
. I know 125g is small for them, but it's much better than a 20g. She's been with me for two weeks now and looks much, much better. I'm already searching for someone that has like a 300g tank setup, I know she can't stay in my 125g for a long time



Active Member
CARTMAN thats my 125 before I started turning it in to a reef. Unfortunatly I was like everybodyelse and jumped from FW right in to sharks and ray's . Sharky died one night for no aparent reason. The water quality was great and I had no problems with anything else in the tank. She was eatting very good and was active. and a few weeks later we came home and julies the cortez ray had gone carpet surfing while we were gone. LFS said rays wernt jumpers so I didn't worry about not having a lid.
Stela : A 125 should be fine for a single ray.
I do plan on trying again in the spring with an agressive tank most likely a 210 or bigger. But I'm not too sure about a shark again. at least not untill I get some good experiance under my belt.