Ray Question

A girl that I know got a 180g tank. She is planning on placing a bamboo shark, ramario (sp?) and a blue spotted sting ray.. is a 180g tank ok for that setup?? I have never had rays so I am in the dark on them....


anything else in the tank? demensions? the shark will mot lickley out grow that tank in a year or two but until then it should be ok. Also tell her to get the finest sand you can find.


Active Member
A 180 will eventually be on the small side for both the shark and the ray. The shark will outgrow the tank first, probably within 3 years or so. A baby ray could probably go 4-5 years in a 72" x 24" tank... assuming it survives. As the previous poster indicated, use fine sand and minimal rockwork, (though the shark will need at least one good size cave to hide in). If you have specific questions about feeding, tankmates, filtration, etc, that would help. Good luck.
Thanks.. LOL.. It is not my tank, but I will let her know what I found out.. I had to see any animal in a home not big enough for it.
The shark will outgrow it quickly most likely and the ray will have a few years before it does depending on its current size.