I have a 180 gallon tank. I was wondering what stingrays I can get for my tank also what sharks except for a coral cat, bamboos, epaulette ect. Right now i have a bamboo12inches and a japanese wobbiegong 8. If you have pictures send them 2.
the answer to your question unfortuantly is none. no other sharks or rays will fit in that tank... the wobbigong will outgrow it in no time, and the bamboo will make the tank seem small...
I think the wobbegong is fine. They aren't a very active fish and purely an ambush shark. I think a horn shark would be fine in a 180 for awhile, although wouldn't be the best home for life.
Edit previous post- I just saw that this is a corner tank which probably means it is only 4 feet wide and 30" tall. I don't think any sharks should be kept in a 4 foot tank unless temperory.