

Active Member
Would I be able to put a small ray in a 75G aquarium, and would he be happy my girlfriend loves them. I have about a 3 1/2 - 4 inch sandbed for him to burrow. Let me know... Thanks. Also what are the diff. choices of rays that would stay relatively small?

sinner's girl

I would say no...what's the adult size? The only ray I have in my book say min of 280 and they can be difficult to feed. Just because you buy it small, doesn't mean it will stay small. Also says to keep little or no decor.


Active Member
ok thanks for the input... I know they get large but it takes a while for them to get big
they are bottom feeders so corals on rocks would not work??


Active Member
rays no matter how small need a huge tank for swimming room, a 75g wouldnt evan keep a small ray for long their disc grows 1-2 inches per year, it wouldnt be the size of the ray thatw ould worry me but their feeding habits as they eat ALOT and eat OFTEN so you would need a really good filtered tank so your levels dont go skyrocket, also when they swim they love to gracefully graze agaisnt the rocks so they do knock stuff over, although my rays never knocked anythign over or bothered my corals they will swim over them and make them retract for some time. ALSO in a 75 gallont ank you must only have about 25 pounds of liverock so they have open areas for swimmign if you have alot of rock they will not be happy
any other questions just ask!


Active Member
I know i'm hard of hearing lol
...This is how my tank looks at the moment. As far as a filter goes I have a 40G sump/refuge/skimmer so i'm not worried about the filtration. I want to get some xenia and I have a finger leather and mushrooms in another tank at the moment. I dont mind doing the feeding often. I just want the guy to have enough space to be happy if you say no way for a 75G that is 4ft long i will take your word for it. Thanks all!!!



Active Member
IMHO i wouldnt do it
although your rockwork looks like a great setup for a ray if it were a larger scale tank! i honestly wouldsnt put a ray in anythign less than 6 feet length and 2 feet width, thats my opinion. I say this because my two stingrays swim 75% during the day and 95% at night which means there very active despite what people think.
can you get a baby ray and will he be fine in their for a few months....MAYBE but i dont know if you would want to chance it, i know i wouldnt. i would say go for it with a small baby ray IF you planned an upgrade in 3-5 months, but alot of people say they will upgrade but they never do then they have a ray on their hands with a 10 inch disc in a very small tank eating everything!! ALSO what will your tankmates be? for your tank ic an imagien youll have smaller fish in there any ray will eat small to medium fish depending on the size of the ray so thats a factor. Also no anenomes cause they will graze them while swimming and get stung.
also the other things with smaller juvi size rays is that its hard to get them to eat at first, i had a very small baby yellow ray and he would nibble for me but wouldnt eat enough to the point where i ended up taking him back to the lfs so that he can be kept in a small "feeding" tank for awhile.
let me know what ya think


Active Member
yea my tank is 18W, 18H, and 48L. I will not have any anenomes I will have a colt/leather, mushrooms, Zoos. I want to get 2 onyx clowns, Cortez angel, and a tang of some sort maybe a small sailfin or a BHT. I set up the rockwork to be open on the bottom and all corals to be on the rocks. I know they get large so I am leaning towards no and I really appreciate all the advice. If you say no i'll take your word for it (even though my girlfriend is going to be pissed :help: ) Do you have any idea what I could put in there to satisfy her something kinda rare and exotic.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Drewsta
I just want the guy to have enough space to be happy if you say no way for a 75G that is 4ft long i will take your word for it.

Originally Posted by Drewsta
If you say no i'll take your word for it (even though my girlfriend is going to be pissed :help: )

Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
I would say no...
Originally Posted by psusocr1

rays no matter how small need a huge tank for swimming room, a 75g wouldnt evan keep a small ray
Originally Posted by psusocr1

IMHO i wouldnt do it
And one more...just for the heck of it.
No...it wont work.


Active Member
cant keep angels with rays, as they will pick at their eyes and kill them, My ray ate 2 damsels for fun! so the clowns would be a goner as well!
also anythign "rare" and exotic either need HUGE tanks or very specia care...sooo

sinner's girl

again, no. Buy her a beanie baby ray. Then start saving for a bigger, bigger tank. Though guys belong in the ocean, imo, but NOT in 4ft 75gl! It's like keeping a five year old in a playpen.


Active Member
no need to be mean,, i respect him for askign before going and buying!
as far as the "those guys beloing int he ocean" comment,, well thats a different argument that i rather not get into!


Active Member
I dont think myself, or Sinner's Girl were being mean, Bobby...
Just kinda annoying to see...
"if you guys say no, I'll take your word for it" 27 times, in 6 posts...even though everyone has said no, repeatedly.


Active Member
hey andy
i do agree i just dont want him thinking that they where mean posts, i wasnt callign anyone out though..
as i said i respect him doing his research first, now if he does decide to get one anway well he will learn quickly about stingrays thats for sure!
also the other thign with keeping rays is this:
if i where to get rid of my two stingrays or evan one of them iw ould be able to have about 5-6 more fish, so in a 75 galllon tank i would want to have a bunch of fish and as many as i can (being they should be smaller fish) but buying evan one ray cuts you down greatly with the bioload these guys produce..
i have a 300 gallon tank and i only have 7 fish(granted they are big fish) as stated if i ditch my two rays i can easily handle 5-6 more fish
my 300 gallon looks EMPTY cause of the fish i currently keep, but its the sacrafice i make


Active Member
mmm ouch... I am hard headed sorry
. So i'm not going with a ray. Thanks. I'm sorry if I offended anyone I was just asking questions. I'm not gonna do it. Thanks for the input all

sinner's girl

we're never offended when someone asks questions, and I wasn't trying to be mean, just trying to say no, in a different way, since no wasn't working.
Plus PSU (are you the same guy who PSUFootball or something like that a while back?), I said, IMO, which I'll allowed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Drewsta
mmm ouch... I am hard headed sorry
. So i'm not going with a ray. Thanks. I'm sorry if I offended anyone I was just asking questions. I'm not gonna do it. Thanks for the input all

Not offended at all. The one thing I enjoy almost more than the hobby itself, is helping out other people who have questions about the hobby.
I must say...I commend you for taking advice. You see so many people who ask questions like you did and then dont listen and go ahead and get said fish. Then, 2 weeks later, you see another post, by the same person...it's entitled "Why did my fish die?"
If you have serious intentions of upgrading tanks, I'll give in and say that a very small ray(4" - 5" disc) might work in your tank for no more than a year. The reason I've never gave in and bought a Ray is because they need a wide tank. I know how it is to keep the girlfriend happy...especially if they dont really like your hobby (as my ex did...hence why she's my ex
). I have a problem with buying fish online (the whole not being able to see what you're buying) and with Rays, I'd be even more cautious as alot of them are not healthy to begin with and they're difficult enough to keep, without having to worry about getting an unhealthy one right off the bat.