

New Member
what size tank is adequate for a blue spot stingray? What other fish can you put with them?


Active Member
for a blue spot, id say 250g is the minimum. thats just my opinion, i have read books that say 200 is the minimum for them. they need perfect water as they are sensitive to stuff like that. they can also be hard to feed. they need a ls bottom, not cc because that will cut and scrape their stomachs. what size tank do you have? pretty much all other aggressive fish will go with the except triggers. NEVER MIX TRIGGERS WITH SHAKRS AND RAYS! they will eat their cartilage and kill them. bo


Hello,Yes they do need big tanks.The bluespot(T Lymma)is a difficult one to keep in a closed system,but the(Dasyatis Kuhlii)witch is also called a bluespot ray dose well in the home aquarium,but is harder to find.Also along with the Triggers i would not put them in with Puffers,Butterflys,or Angelfish,They will nip at the rays fins and skin and eyes.


New Member
Don't forget damsels..I had a bluespot and they bit at his tail. Water quality is VERY important, and all mine would eat is live ghost shrimp. He eventually stopped eating all together and that was it. Other types of rays are easier to keep and feed I'm told.


I have blue spot in a 125g and was told to get rid of it but instead i kept it and just decided to buy a bigger tank(200g)and i hand feed him at the top of the water with either gold fish or gohst shrimp and have had him for about 31/2 mounths now and seems to be doing great,good luck!!!!!A.S. :D