
todd italion

New Member
can anyone give me info on keeping rays in the aqaurium my favorite is the blue spotted ray do they ship well and do they acclimate well in the aquarium thanks
There is a blue spotted ray at the fs around here, it isn't a chain fs so the usually have fish you don't see very often. It seemed to do quite well in the display aquarium, but it was by itself for the majority of the time. What tank mates are going to be with it? It was very beautiful and would swim and burrow itself in the sand and was fun to watch.


I have had many of the local California brown rays and they do great in tanks.
They will eat out of your hand and are very docile toward other fish. They will, however eat small fish or inverts that fit easily in their mouth and happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
They can also be the object of harassment by agressive tankmates (especially triggers) since they are slow swimmers.
You also need to make sure they have enough sand to lay on and burry themselves.
Good luck.