Razors Tank pics 01.17


Hey man.. not about the tank.. but your baby is gorgeous! congrats! must take after the mother haha just kiddin


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bailey52
Hey man.. not about the tank.. but your baby is gorgeous! congrats! must take after the mother haha just kiddin

LOL thanks man!
Actually she did get her looks from her mom:p


Just a suggestion, you might want to move your clams up in the tank. Their mantles appear to be open too much. The one on the left appears to be gaping a bit too much. The thought would be they are struggling for light, so put them towards the top.
I have a maxima on the top rock. He's firmly secured and has been there for 2 1/2 years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rhomer
Just a suggestion, you might want to move your clams up in the tank. Their mantles appear to be open too much. The one on the left appears to be gaping a bit too much. The thought would be they are struggling for light, so put them towards the top.
I have a maxima on the top rock. He's firmly secured and has been there for 2 1/2 years.
Thanks Rob.
I suspected that and actually had the one on the right all the way up on the top shelf but he seemed to open up just as much there. Problem was when they are that far up no one can really see them when viewing the tank.


I suspect you are really close to losing the one on the left. I've had about 6 clams over the course of 7 years of having a tank, and everytime I had one open that much I lost it shortly after. What lighting do you have on your tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rhomer
I suspect you are really close to losing the one on the left. I've had about 6 clams over the course of 7 years of having a tank, and everytime I had one open that much I lost it shortly after. What lighting do you have on your tank?
I just bought that clam on the left. I have a duel balist PFO 250w MH running Oshio 10k bulbs directly above them 9" from the waterline.


What I've noticed about the clams when they are happy is that the mouth is generally a very narrow oval, and the mantle extends an inch at most over the shell. The last check for health is if you move your hand over the light they should close quickly.
I noticed on your clam right below the opening the shell is seperated very wide. This is usually not good. I would think you might be able to save it if you move it right under the lamp and hope it secures quickly. The problem with them on the rocks is that they can get knocked over before they secure themselves to the rock.
As for mine I had to prop him next to the back glass to keep him from getting knocked over. Problem is similar to yours is that most people can't see him unless I point him out. But he's as happy as a clam where he's at. Better that he lives and is less obvious then dead.


Active Member
Yup I agree Rob. I want good health for them both.. I'll move them back up. I know the big clam will grab quickly. Ive had him for a few years.


Looks like you have the lamps on chains and can easily move them up and down. You might try moving the lamps closer to the water. They look almost too far from the water line. Again this just an opinion.
I have 2 175 MH and they are about 6 inches from the water.

the gift

dont take this rudely but your tank is drop dead gorgeous and i would suggest switching your crushed coral with sand just a suggestion but your doing great keep it up!


Active Member
Originally Posted by The Gift
dont take this rudely but your tank is drop dead gorgeous and i would suggest switching your crushed coral with sand just a suggestion but your doing great keep it up!
Thanks. Im not a big fan of running a DSB in the display.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rhomer
What I've noticed about the clams when they are happy is that the mouth is generally a very narrow oval, and the mantle extends an inch at most over the shell. The last check for health is if you move your hand over the light they should close quickly.
I noticed on your clam right below the opening the shell is seperated very wide. This is usually not good. I would think you might be able to save it if you move it right under the lamp and hope it secures quickly. The problem with them on the rocks is that they can get knocked over before they secure themselves to the rock.
As for mine I had to prop him next to the back glass to keep him from getting knocked over. Problem is similar to yours is that most people can't see him unless I point him out. But he's as happy as a clam where he's at. Better that he lives and is less obvious then dead.

Moved the clams back to the top of the display. They dont seem to be distressed or any different then when they were in the substrate. But I like the idea they are getting more light. I created a special shelf for them up there. I"ll get some pictures later today.


It might take a few days for it to settle down. You'll know a lot if it secures to the shelf quickly. Can't wait to see a pic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rhomer
It might take a few days for it to settle down. You'll know a lot if it secures to the shelf quickly. Can't wait to see a pic.
They were both secure this morning when I woke up :) I'll get ya that picture :)