rba w/ pc


im thinking of a rba but i only have pc's. theres 198 watts i belive in a 29 (only 14 inches high). i dont want it to die and im also worried about it moving and knocking over other corals and structures. how often do they move


the lighting should be fine if it positions itself higher up. Not that there is a REAL high and low in a 14 in. tank. They move at will. If you have corals, I wouldnt get an anemone. It is a recipe for disaster and time consuming efforts to keep everything hunky dory. Not to mention the money lost when it kills one of your favorite corals. But I dont know anything. People do this allt he time.


lol. im just interested in a couple more clowns and wanted them to b as happy as possible :) but i geuss ill stay away and let them host other corals. since the one i have can share the shrooms or the colt or the other corals it hosts :)


Active Member
If you are worried about the anenome causing issues its prob a good idea not to get one. Its never a guarantee that your clown will host it anyway especially with soft corals there are so many choices for him to look at. Clown fish by nature dont look for anenomes to host on so they should be just fine with out. I am actually thinking about giving mine back because my clowns decided to host my GSP and my Zoa's. Now its just a burden with no clown fish to be its friend.


wow. i always thought it was in there nature to look for anenomes. ok. well in that case i would much rather stay away from the rba and just grab a couple extra softies. Thanks a million u guys probaly stopped a HUGE headach in my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by whackamole
wow. i always thought it was in there nature to look for anenomes. ok. well in that case i would much rather stay away from the rba and just grab a couple extra softies. Thanks a million u guys probaly stopped a HUGE headach in my tank.

Sorry let me rephrase this statement. If there is no anenome in its environment, then the clown fish wont bother to look to host on one. So in your tank if there are no anenomes then they wont look for one. If there is one you stand a chance of it hosting however its never a guarantee and clown fish have hosted a lot of other things when an anenome has been available to it.


as far as reproduction...does an anenome help at all. or as long as it has something to host..or does it matter at all


Active Member
Originally Posted by whackamole
as far as reproduction...does an anenome help at all. or as long as it has something to host..or does it matter at all
It doesnt matter at all... typically if you are going to try to get clowns to reproduce they are secluded in their own tank as a mated pair with certain perameters that need to be met. I am not familiar with the details other than the fact that if your clowns do reproduce in your main tank they stand no chance of survival. Good luck


im not going to try to mate them i just thought it would be cool to see and if an anenome would raise the chances then id get one. but as u said it doesnt. umm.. another quick question. can black perculas, false and true perculas be held together with no problems. what other combinatins can be kept. i lov clowns but would like to get a combination of diffrent ones


Active Member
Percs with Percs, Ocellaris with Ocellaris.. General rule of thumb.. you stand the chance of having confilicts with any mixed species of clowns but there are some that are FAR worse than others. I have a pair of mixed ocellaris, an orange and white and a black and white. They co-exist and are doing very well together. I have pictures of them on my thread.
This was taken right from this site as a quote. "The Black & White Percula is a very popular fish and will get along with other Clownfish in the same aquarium." But the scientific name for the Black and White Percula is..Amphiprion ocellaris.. so it is indeed an ocellaris which makes them compatable with my false perc..aka orange ocellaris.. Good luck..


wow ur tank is beutifull. i luv the pink carnatoin. i used to have a orange but it got knocked into the back and died. i also have another that i think is a carnation. the lfs wasnt sure. do u do anything special for it. any feedings?
anyway. thanks for the help with the clowns. i will prbaly stay with ocellaris.


Active Member
Thank you for your comment on my tank. Carnations are low light corals that need to be fed often. They are very difficult to keep and I only got mine because it was given to me. I hope it survives but I am not hopeful. Its diet should consist of baby brine shrimp or micro-plankton, or any other small foods designed for filter feeding invertebrates. I am very very carful when I feed using phyto or Zoo because it is extremly easy to over dose the tank with these types of foods.


ok thank you. would u happen to know which group of species has more clowns...
oh and what r the specs of ur tank. and what lighting r u using. i just cant get over how great it looks


Active Member
I actually dont know the answer to that question. Having a nano restricts me from being interested in the maroons, tomatoes and some other types because they get really big. I really dont like the looks of the clarki clowns and others that look like them. So I never really investigated the answer to that question.
As for the specs of my tank.. Well its a standard Oceanic 29 Gal biocube. Stock lighting 50/50 PC's, upgraded stock pump to a RIO1100 with a lock line splitter, 2 additional submersable power heads for increased circulation. I have approx 35lbs of LR and about 25lbs of live sand. Water changes of 20% every week, bioballs in the middle chamber swapped out for LR rubble. Thats pretty much all I did.


wow! i saw the beutifull corals and figured u must have haliad. I geuss u dont have to spend a bunch on lighting to have great corals

thanks for all ur help. im all out of questions. now all i have to do is wait for my stupid damsels to die.

reef diver

Active Member
Like dark said an anemone is not neccesary, however, if they are wild you stand the chance of tehm trying to host anything, I mean ANYTHING that in their little minds looks like an anemone (IE heaters powerheads, LPS, Softies, Heaters...) Also Dark, it is very possible to et clown larvae to survive being hatched in a reef, however you must rear them in a seperate system, with specific params. Also, A.Percula w/ A. Ocellaris is a perfectly good match, I ahve a percula female and an occellaris male.


lol. ya but id have to destroy the whole tank to catch the little buggas

reefdiver...u said u have a pair of mixed clowns that get along well. Do u think if i get a mixed pair that were the SAME --- they would fight. I know they change --- dependent on size so.....idk maybe ill buy the same size at the same time so they hopefully will get along