
New Member
Very new to this message board and relatively new to the hobby. (I have ordered from this site, that is how I found the message board.)
I have a RBTA that I got from the LFS that split from the original there. They had never really fed it anything, and after reading on this message board I decided last night to feed it a small piece of raw shrimp. Well as of a half hour ago (15 hours later), the shrimp was still not "swallowed".
1. Is this normal?
2. If not what should I do?
The tenticals around the mouth are out and look great. I can post a picture later when I get home from work.
Any help would be great.


if it didnt eat then its not hungry but you shouldnt leave that raw shrimp in your tank enless its going to get ate


New Member
I don't think that it wasn't hungry. It brought the food in from the outside tenticles to the mouth. Then it looked like it was turning inside out. Now the shrimp piece is 90% swallowed with 10% sticking out. Sort of like it is stuck. I don't want to just pull it out.