RBTA is deflated and looking bad.... dead? or no?


long story short, i added this a week ago, it seemed to have found a spot after 2 days and has been there since... still there actually, but instead of being open as it has been, it's completely deflated and small... still attached to the rock and has not turned inside out... but i do notice some "stuff" near it, could it be it's just doing its business, or is it dead?


Originally Posted by Blitz99
long story short, i added this a week ago, it seemed to have found a spot after 2 days and has been there since... still there actually, but instead of being open as it has been, it's completely deflated and small... still attached to the rock and has not turned inside out... but i do notice some "stuff" near it, could it be it's just doing its business, or is it dead?