RBTA starting to bleach..?

My RBTA has some small white areas on a couple of its tentacles. Is this early signs of bleaching? I have just put new bulbs on the aquarium, but the old ones were only 2 months old. The only othe change is I have just started dripping lime water to supplement Ca and alk. All the paramaters are ok
ph - 8.2
dkh - 9
nitrates and phosphates 0
ca ~420
I had been having a hard time keeping the dkh up, thus the reason for dripping limewater now.
Its tentacles are still quite fat, it is eating PEmysis 3x a week. The tank is 29 gallon with 5T5HO bulbs. 4x39watt 1x22watt 3 daylight 2 actinic
any ideas what this may be? Should I just leave it alone and see what happens? Stop dripping limewater for now?


Active Member
mine also bleach out a little when change out lamps ,but if your alk is not steady this will stress it out.How long have you had the bta and how long has your tank been running?
tank has been up for 6 mo's and the nem has been there for two (I know I added it a little early, but it was a tank raised nem). So the recent limewater and small alk increase may have been the cause combined with the bulb change? The white spots were gone this morning, so at least it was nothing major. Thanks.