Originally Posted by Shaun Larlee http:///forum/post/2627391
Im very very sneaky as well....as i just bought one for $30 through pm.....MUHAHAHAHAAHHAAHHAAHAHHAAHAHAHAH
You didn't want to wait and let you tank mature a few more months?
WOW! she's everywhere...calm down spidey it is not for me, its my dads fathers day present SHHHHH!!!!!! I have developed an obsession with Zoas anyways...
you got any cool ones for the new kid on the block.....
Hehe I'm watching!!!
I wish I had enough zoas and palys to ship around, I'm still collecting and letting mine grow. I do have some really nice ones from Viper (he emptied my wallet) and can't wait for them to grow. Lots of babies coming up. I'm starting to need a frag tank.