

New Member
my anemone doesn't look like its doing to well..... it used to open up all the way and it looked real nice
but recently its shriveling up.... and the tentacles look real puny. sometimes they get bigger but stilll eH....
i feeed my fish brine shrimp everyday... so i'm sure it gets some of that.... but mostly i just put KENT MARINE CORAL VITE in the water.... the guy at the pet store said tahts all he feeds his anemone and his seem to do well.... any suggestions? he was rather expensive.... =


Give me something else to go on.
Water paramiters, alk, cal, salinity, temp, nitrates, PH.
Stop feeding brine shrimp unless they are young live ones. Brine shrimp are not very nutrious. Start feeding silversides, mysis shrimp, krill, frozen plankton cubes with the large plankton in it, just thaw, rinse and serve.
Depending on lighting I have gone 2 months without feeding my BTA's and they do just fine.
Post pic if possible.


i also use kent marine coral vite but i do not put it directly in the water, you could end up with alot of unwanted algae that way.maybe a couple of times a month i soak the food for the anemone in it for a little while before i feed it.. also i soak the fish food in it every now and then.