Re: buying fish online


New Member
I am thinking of trying this. Anyone have any success/horror stories to share to convince me either way?


I've done this and been less than satified but probably partial own fault - first realize that the fish you order may not be quite the size you expect or the color and shipping is expensive - that being said you can find hard to find fish at a lot of these sites and at good prices - just food for thought although you would think save on shipping buy a bunch at once you can mess your tank up with too many at once spoken from experience.


I'll comment on this -- most of my fish come from a very good (but overpriced) LFS nearby. I bit the bullet and ordered 4 fish online from ***********. I couldn't resist, since for the price of the 4 fish plus shipping, I would have walked out of the LFS with a big piece of rock :) I have to say, they came in wonderful shape, and they are absolutely beautiful specimens. I figured out from the tracking info that they were in the shipping container a total of 27 hours, and after doing the long, slow, and proper acclimation with them they are the stars of my fowlr.
I am going to place an order with soon to try their stock, so far I have only ordered dry goods from here, and been happy with that.


I've had very good luck with invertebrates from a couple different sites but had bad luck with a Heniochus I purchased from a site. Poor thing didn't make it two weeks. I suppose it could have been me.
Buying large packages or a number of items is the best way to mitigate the shipping charges.


i just ordered a royal gramma, 2 scarlet cleaner shrimp and afew other things yesterday just waiting for them to ship now hope it goes good


I did this once--I ordered a very hard to find Atlantic tang--good price, arrived in beautiful shape (the only reason I was against it origanally is I very much like to see what I'm buying)
However--within 2 weeks this tang came down with something infected and wipedout my entier tank.
My first wipeout in 10 years. (Since had another but that was my own fault)
I never did, even with the help of this board positively id the disease as I knew nothing of disease at all really, this having been my first.
Anyway many people have been very happy with their purchases ( I was till everyone died) I guess I would just stay away maybe from the more disease prone fish like tangs. Shipping for an extended period (24 hrs) is very stressful and most tangs come down with something if you so much as say "boo" to them. Prices are irresistible though.
I may try it again someday, just not a tang. I will have to wait for something to die of old age though as I am fully stocked and running well.
Good Luck
Good Luck


Active Member
I've ordered many times online and only been disapointed once from a company that had a track record of that problem (ick upon arrival). I didn't find out until afterward. The good thing was I only lost one of my fish, but between his loss, treatment and aggrivation, I never ordered from them again. The rest of my orders of livestock (all types) went well.


I ordered 3 fish from and they are doing great. I have had them since I cycled my tank about 2 months ago and they seem to be fine. I did save lots of $$$ by ordering them at the same time. I replaced 3 dominos so I did not have any type of spike for adding the new fish (which are all easy-going fish). I would do it again, thats for sure.