RE: Compatibility


New Member
I finally got my tank cycled and have begun to create a community. I have a snowflake eel, a maroon tang and a knox angel. I also have the 4 small damsels that I started with...although I am considering taking them out. Ultimately, I would like powder blue/brown, yellow and scopus tangs and a niger trigger. I have heard that these are the last fish you, in the meantime, I want to get something pretty to add to my fairly gentle community. Any suggestions?


i agree also a 45 is to small for any tang they need a lot of swimming room. IMO the smaller species of tang need a minimum of a 55 where the larger ones i wouldnt put 1 in anything less than a 100. the trigger itself needs at least a 75 gall min. with the fish you have you could go with a hawkfish or smaller puffer of some type.