?? re: Foxface and Dwarf Angels


New Member
What "family" does a Foxface belong to? (concerned with compatability)And how big do they get? The tankmates I would like to put him with are:
Maroon clown, Auriga butterfly, flame angel/coral beauty, purple tang, blue hippo, and a kole/ yellow eye tang.
I have been told that with my big set-up (150gal) I should be OK with mutiple tangs, but I am curious about having a flame angel AND a coral beauty. Of course the LFS would say it's fine, but what have the rest of you found? Please keep in mind I have a big tank.....if this is at all possible I would love to have both.
I have also heard great things about flame hawks. What is it about their personality that makes it so appealing? Is this fish compatible for my tank?

big dave

Foxfaces and rabbitfish are cloesly related to the tangs and surgeonfishes (family Siganidae). There are many species in this family including:The Foxface which is the most common, there is also, the Figi Foxface, Metallic Foxface($$$ for these), the Doliatus Rabbitfish, and many others. Some people even consider them a type of tang. Similar dietary requirements as the tangs. Your setup seems ok except for the Kole tang. They can be kinda aggressive. The foxface should be Ok with the listed fish tho. Just make sure you feed the tangs+foxface lots of greens!(i.e. seaweed selects, spirilina, and such.No romaine or other terrestrial veggies!)


Although a 150g might seem large, there is a limit in regards to stocking. You sound like you have a wonderful selection of fish, and you are breaking some standard rules, ie: having more than two Tangs in a system your size and also by having more than one Centropyge. Many people take chances & go contrary to suggested norms, and in certain circumstances it works out, but it is taking a chance. You already have fish that will get large: Tangs & Butterfly. The Foxface is another fish that will get large. I feel that by adding it, you will be increasing the stress load, particularily as the fish grow larger. Stress, as we all no, will lead to potential disese outbreaks. Why not remain with the beautiful that you already have? If you really would like another fish, I would recommend one that won't get large. TT


New Member
Thanks for the advice so far everyone. BTW I have not yet set up my tank. These are just my choice fish to stock with. As for overloading, I suppose I don't understand. Even with ALL the fish I would like at maximum length they should reach approx. 50" worth of fish. So, at 2 gals. per inch of fish (100gals.) ....???What can go wrong? As for multiple tangs(3-different) what is wrong with that?I would love some reponses from those who HAVE 3 tangs together. Has anyone tried an Eibel angel w/ a Flame angel?(considering they are different, Eibel--green.) wishful thinking:> )
Thanks everyone!


Hi Tanggirl,
I could be wrong, but I thought the recommended rate for sw fish is 5 gallons per inch.
In any case, yes people may have three Tangs in their system, but perhaps not much else. I am simply suggesting that it may be a stressful situation, particularly with a Purle Tang. They are the most vicious of Tangs, and no neccesaiily towards Zebrasomas. I have heard of countless of posts of Purple Tangs attacking other Tangs & fish like Angels. Three Tangs, a Foxface, a Butterfly, & others will almost guarantee turf wars.
ur angels shoudl be fien if you add them at the same time i have a small coral beauty and a very small pygmy angel in my tnak and they r fien together


The angles should do fine. You should ice the Kole as reccomended my Big Dave. The rule is usually 1 inch of fish for five gallons. Some people think for is better including myself. Some systems could get away with three. Two is out of the question especially with butterflies and tangs who need good water parameters to thrive. Tangs need alot of room as well. If not they will fight. Which causes stress, which causes ich. Crazy About Salt I believe the pygmy angel is the most agressive form of dwarf when it matures. In a few months you may have a problem with it attacking not only your coral beauty, but any other small sized fish in the tank.


New Member
I have looked into the "inches of fish per gallon" and what I have found is this:
1" per 2 gal for a fish-only set up and 1" per 6 gal for a reef set up.Easy to mistaken considering alot of people on this forum have a reef set-up. Overstocking is a big concern for me, and I am well aware of it's importance. My koi need 5 gal. per inch of fish, and right now have FAR more than they need. Anyway, this looking forward to more responses.
BTW are flame hawks and Eibli angelfish similar in price?


New Member
Good luck with putting 3 together. My tank is bigger "300 gal" and have 4 tangs together. 2 Yellow, 1 blue, 1 taso. They are in with a foxface and huma huma. Everyone has been getting along fine. RDC


New Member
Thanks for the warning RDC30-06, I have since dropped the hope of having 3 and would like to try a blue hippo and a purple tang. They won't bully 2 clowns,and a dwarf angel, would they? (Particularly the purple tang.) Thanks again.

here fishy

You are getting great advice from all your postings..Speaking from my life experiences I will say this. The first tang in generally will be the most dominant.Then so on down the line. My Zebra(they are agressive) helped my overstocking problem when I first got started in salt tanks three years ago. I love tangs and wnated one of every kind. In my 125 I have just a naso and the Zebra now.
They fortunately don't bother each other but if I did it again I would just have one.
Tnags are very prone to ick if the water conditions are not kept up and this can cause you more grief than yoou know...Anyhoo that is my tang story for now.!


I have a Blue Eye tang and was wondering how similar they are to the Kole/yellow eye tang. It is actually very shy in my tank. It has great color and doesn't seem to be a problem at this point. :)