Read this liontamer


:notsure: if i get a 135 gallon aquairium is that big enough for:
v lion
niger trigger
blu throat
snowflake eel
chain eel?
also ima get a protein skimmer in july so ill get the fish small


Active Member
I would try to decide if you want triggers or lions. IMO, its not good to mix the two. Also, Im not sure if those 2 trigs will bicker.


"Clown (Balistoides conspiculum), Huma-huma (Rhinecanthus aculeatus) and similar triggerfish are particularly obnoxious lionfish killers. Attractive alternates include black (Odonus niger) and bluethroat (Xanthichthys auromarginatus) triggers."
So if the Bluethroat and Niger wont work then what will If i want other kinds of fish besides lions (im already getting eels).
:help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:


I dont even have the tank yet and why do you waste your time going on this thread talking about something i wont care about.

Anyways, can anyone tell me what fish go well with volitan lions?


That will work out, but dont mix lions with triggers. Its yer decision with the triggers, but id say go with a lion and get like a tusk in place of the triggers, then keep the rest of the fish. It would make a very nice tank...


I've had both of of the triggers mentioned and the lion mentioned in my tank at the same time. They got along very well.
You can mix triggers and lions if you use caution. There is no overall rule that says "absolutely no triggers with lions." I and many others, have done it successfully numerous times.
If you're going to mix the two, you need to do some research:
-What type of trigger do I want to mix with my lion?
There are many different types of triggers out there and each one does not act the same way. Look at the profile of a particular trigger (use a few different sources), ask others on their experiences with a particular trigger.
-Can you veiw the trigger?
If you have the opportunity to view the trigger at the LFS, see how it acts with other tankmates, this can be a good indicator of aggressiveness.

Like other aggressive fish, try to add them last, get them a little smaller, and provide plenty of tank space for them. Have a contingency in case things do not work out.
In my opinion, in this hobby there are very few absolutes in regards to compatability.



Originally posted by Liontamer
...but id say go with a lion and get like a tusk ...then keep the rest of the fish. It would make a very nice tank...

Or you can do this. Tusks are amazing fish.


Excellent point. Yea, their is a lot of thinking processes to go trhough before getting fish, but when it comes down to it, i think hed be better off with the fish suggested in the tank that he has, cuz it would be a good combo, and the triggers would need to be moved eventually anyway. Tusks are great. Stupid creatures I can stay, but great fish. Mine had a little fungus on his fin for a while, like sand and stuff, he rode it out, it was gone in a week. Resilient, good eaters, a quality fish.


Great points Liontamer.. My H Tusk was devious, and I would say far from stupid. I could tell there was a lot going on behind the eyes if you know what I'm saying. Very resourceful and one of the more intelligent fish in my opinion. But like humans, you have your intelligent and then you have your darwin award deservers.


Wen its feeding time, the tusk thinks my big volitans fins are food, and he keeps slowly moving toward them with his eye cocked until the lion snaps, and he doesnt every feeding time, so yea, my tusk is really dumb



Originally posted by Liontamer
Wen its feeding time, the tusk thinks my big volitans fins are food, and he keeps slowly moving toward them with his eye cocked until the lion snaps, and he doesnt every feeding time, so yea, my tusk is really dumb

I can totally picture that.