Read this - Really interesting puffer behavior...


I have a porcupine puffer in a 37 gal tank and an emperor 400 for filtration. The puffer keeps swimming to the intake and sits on it.
I though he might be in distress but he's fine...I pushed him off with my feeder stick, he swam around for a sec then headed right to the intake to chill there. It's like he enjoys it?! :confused:


Active Member
Puffers have a personality of their own. They can be very lazy if overfed or if they are full from a big meal. I wouldn't worry too much about it as long as he eats fine and shows no sign of disease. How big is he know? He will need a much larger tank in the future. Bo


Active Member
I will second that of what Bo said. That puffer will grow longer than that tank.........literally.


Oh I know he'll grow. Moving to a 200 (maybe 240) in summer. He's about 3". Yeah...he over ate..what a pig :)
But this isn't the first time he's done that. I think he actucally likes it...kinda like a place he can just rest I guess?


Yeah, just keep an eye on him. He's probably just full, they'll eat like it's thanksgiving everday if you give them the chance:D