Ready for some corals


I have a 55g with T-5 lights. I"m ready to add some basic Corals. What kind and how many should I add? Want bright colors. Thanks


Active Member
Mushrooms and zoas are nice starters, and come in just about any color you could think of. Give those a shot then try some hardier LPS like the euphyllias (torch, hammer, frogspawn), and brains.


I ordered a few basic corals today do I put them on the bottom of the tank or near the top?. I have t-5 lights w/220 watts


start with yellow polyps, mushrooms, and green star ployps, and zooanthids. If you can keep these, i agree with WangoTango, you can then upgrade to some of the hardier LPS corals.


Well give it 3-4 weeks and see how they do. Keep you water changes going and if the polyps do well, that means your tank is good condition. You can try getting hardier stuff. Get a book on corals (ISBN 1-890087-47-5 is a great book, called Aquarium Corals, Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History). Make sure you get species appropriate for your tank. Some like more light, others like less. Some like high water flow, other's like moderate, and other's like little. See what works best for your tank. :) Also, if you're keeping coral next to each other (in close proximity that is) look for coral that are not notorious for strong stings like Euphyllia and Galaxea species. I hope this helps.


Zooanthids can go anywhere really in terms of lighting. Red mushrooms should be kept towards the bottom and other shrooms can go anywhere from the middle of the tank down. I wouldn't put them too high. In terms of water flow, all prefer low to moderate water flow so don't put them in front of the powerhead.