Ready To Add Some Corals


I'm ready to start adding corals to my tank. What are some good ones to start with, and where and how do I place them in the tank. This is my first try at corals so all advice will be appeciated. There's alot of people on this site that knows their stuff I'm sure someone can help.

sign guy

Active Member
how long has your tank been setup
what kind of tank do you have
tank size
what kind of filter
who was your fav carecter from frie

sign guy

Active Member
Yeah kinda Each coral is diff so a frog spawn dosent like alot of flow and a sea fan has to have alot of flow it all depends on your tank


I'm not sure. Like I said "new" at this. Just say zoos. I have been told they are good ones to start with.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
how long has your tank been setup
what kind of tank do you have
tank size
what kind of filter
who was your fav carecter from frie
gotta know this befor recomending any thing


tank has been set up for 2 months
I have a glass tank
55 gallon
I have a sump with refugium, skimmer, and 2 powerheads
and I didn't watch Friends, didn't like it


Originally Posted by sign guy
sorry to ask so much but i want to give the right info
I thank you for your help, I should be sorry