Ready to add some inverts, pls advice


First let me say that all of you have been a great help to this beginner. My tank have been cycling for the last 5 weeks now. ph 8.2, akl in nomral range, rate .10, nite 0, ammonia appears to be 0, if not then .25 not really sure. 55 gal, with wet/dry w/bio ball adn sump, 2 Power heads 402's, 300 watt heater, berlin protine skimmer, 55 lbs LR, 65 lbs LS, 4" DSB. My question is can I put in some inverts, as you can see Im really tried of seeing that tank with nothing but two snails that came with the sand, one worm in the rock that never comes out and something that looks like a flower really small that only opens up when the light comes on. Please advice as to what to do.


The first inverts I put in my tank were some blue legged hermits, turbo snails, and a cucmber. They are all alive and well several months later. IMO, I would add a few hardy fish, maybe chromis, before adding lots of inverts (like one of the packages). The inverts do a good job of eating left over food and the chromis are less delicate than many inverts if the tank has not complelty cycled.
Green chromis are not part of a clean up crew, they are small greenish-blue reef fish in the damsel family. Usually pretty hardy.
A cucumber is not really a crab or snail. Its....well....a cucumber! They might be in the same genre as snails, but a different family. They look kind of like sea slugs but rouher texture, the sift through the sand bed eating the sand and microorganisms and then exspell the sand out the "other" end.
Look them up on a sellers website for more info.


Active Member
What I did why I was in your place was order a clean up crew package off this site. I would recommend doing the same thing.