ready to build a sump

u mike

As I countine to look for a skimmer, I am getting ready to build a sump.I am looking for a 20 gal long tank. I spoke to the lfs he said that should be the right size for my 65 gal. I only have 33 inches in my cabinet to fit a tank, only have a height of 20 inches to work with also.I am looking for some help with directions on how to space all the dividers and heights to make this sump work.all advice is welcome.


Active Member
The best advice is to go to melevsreef dot com and check out his site, and you'll have a handy guide to answer any question you could really have...HTH.


Active Member
Since this about a skimmer, pick out and purchase your skimmer first. They will all have different needs. Foot print and water height, height of the skimmer and removal of the collection cup, ect....The other benefits of a sump can be worked in around the skimmer.
The other thought is what will you be using for a return pump?


Well-Known Member
you might take a look at plastic storage containers. I put one in with the long edge for and aft so it "stuck out" the back.
No only did I have a larger container but the back end was directly below the overflow so the drain was a straight shot to the refugium.
my .02