Ready to throw a brick at my tank


I am having a problem - I recently moved my tank from MA to PA and started over - this was on Dec 19 - since then I let the cycle and then slowly added fish
at this point my tank has at least 150 lbs of LR - 70Lbs of Live Sand - the tank is 110 gallons
Over the past month I have bought
2 Flame angel (different times)
1 heinchous
1 Pearlscale butterfly
1 Naso tang
each of these have died
however - I have smaller fish that are thriving
1 - saddleback clown
1- red parrot fairy wrasse
1 - 3 stripe damsel
3 - green chromis
1 - scooter blenny
1 - firefish
1 - purple fire fish
all of the small ones are fine and dont even show signs of stress
why wont the big ones stay alive - I have tested my water and it is perfect - the LFS has tested the water and cant find a problem
Please help me figure out why the big ones wont stay alive-
I dont want to keep killing fish - plus it is getting mighty expensive


what are your test results at
and what is your weekly up keep like..
also .. any addatives ?
or marks of aggresive fish attacks on the dead ones?


ok - the accilmation - I use the drip method over a 2 hour period
Do I quartentine - I wasnt for the first 2 Flame angels after that I bought a 10 gallon and started to do that - although I have been putting them in there for about 4 days to see if they are ok
Tank prams -
Temp: 78 Deg. (stable)
Ammonia: .25
Salinity: 1.025-1.026
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0
PH: 8.2
I have been adding a 2 part buffer system for Alk and Calcium
every other day according to the direction
There are no marks on the fish at all - they are just dead int he morning at the bottom of the tank
Why would only the larger fish die?


One at a time for the large one - when one would die I would buy a new one --
I swear when I had the agressive tank I never had problems like this -- all of this just for a reef