Real Don't Think It's Ick


MY tank has been set up for about 6 months, all of my water setting are normal, and all the of the fish are eating and doing well. however, about four weeks ago i add some percula clowns and on the second day i notice spots starting to pop up. at frist i thought it was ick because it look just like ick, but only the clowns had the white little spots on them. i know i should of had them in a QT but i don't have the room nor the space for a QT. could some one tell me what's wrong with the clowns and what should i do if anything.


Staff member
Describe the spots. Where, how many, size, shape, etc. How are the fish behaving?
More details needed.


they are acting find swimming around....the spot are the size salt they look just like ick.....really like ick they spots are on there fins under there lips just about everywhere four spots on just about every fish some more


Staff member
Are the spots irregular in shape? What are your water readings and what are you feeding your fish?