Really high PH...


Now i do weeky ck of the water...on sat afternoon..usally...this weekend was no diff...always 8.1,,,now i bought a perc clown on sat...he died today... i took water sample to LFS and ph was 9.0...yes9.0....
came home a tested and got doing a 50% water how did it get that way?,,, no cleaners used all weekend.. no hands in tank..nothing done out of ordanary.. just feed flake and some frozen brine shrimp...also slainty was high,,1.025
havent done water chang for this month yet due to being next week id usal time...i am so confused....
in the tank is a
1 sallylightfoot
1 arrow head crab
1 cleaner shrimp
1 long tenacal amnom.
4 sanils turbo i think
and 1 perc clown about 1.5" long


what do you use to control ph in your tank? do you use a buffer? i use one from seachem that wont raise it above 8.3 if you put in the whole container. other than that i wouldnt know, maybe someone else will.


I would agree. Your alk levels is probably really low allowing your pH to rise. Check your alk level and the use of buffers helps tremdously. The one by SeaChem called Reef Builder works very well, of coures there are other products out there. But that is the cause of your problem. Also, your salinity is high probably because of lack of topoff water. Water evaporates, not salt. So if you haven't topped off your water, your salinity will rise. HTH--Bob
[ April 17, 2001: Message edited by: Bobber ]


well i dont use any buffers... i keep the tank toped offed...want low..can tell when it get low due to pump bing in sump and when its low it blows bubbles...well nothing dies due to 50% water change last night...will test again in the afternoon... hope i get it down soon...
as for alk ... im going to get that cked also.. i dont have it in my kit... have to get lfs to do so....