Really need to get to the bottom of Lighting problem!!


Active Member
So I've posted here before trying to figure out what the problem with my light fixture is, but I have had no luck and now it is really ticking me off!!

I have a Coralife Aqualight Pro with 3x150 HQI, 4x96 PC Actinics and moonlights. Now only 2 of the HQI's work. Every time I go to plug in the third one, it blows my GFCI. And yes I've tried to run the one non-working light off a completely different circuit, but the same thing happens!!
I know the ballast isn't a problem, because if I plug one of the other lights into that ballast, the light works fine.
So with that said, what could be my problem and how can I fix it?? I hate looking at the tank with only 2 working lights for the past couple months!!


Active Member
I know very little about electrical stuff but if its not the ballast that only leaves the wiring from the socket down to the ballast of the affected light. I'd following the wire from both sides of the socket down. you probably have to open the fixture to follow it from there. could be a loose wire came off and touching something it shouldn't or a burned/expose wire shorting on something. Since its not the ballast I'd consider you lucky in that regard. everything beyond the ballast and plug that would trip a GFCI is cheap, universal and/or easy to fix/replace (basically a couple of wires and socket is the only thing there is after the ballast).


Active Member
you were right!! There was a wire jammed underneath one of the fans.....When I removed the fan I noticed the wire was stripped of it's shielding in the spot making connection with the metal of the fan!!