really want to add fish help???


tank was cycling nitrate was high and began to drop changed cc to sand nitrite and nitrate rose nitrate will not go away 3 weeks very high 50 ppm nitrite is at 0.05 what is going on here?????need help 65 gal ..wet/dry wth bioballs..also have canister filter tank has crab couple of damsels and snails in it want to get some fish its been 2 mos and i cant straighten this mess out does nitrite and nitrate both have to be at 0 to add fish????????


1. You have fish... damsels which im sorry to say you won't ever get out
2. Try getting a small fuge to absorb the trates.
3. on a side note: never cycle your tank with live animals.


didnt add them till amonia droped and i dont mind them i just wont buy anything that they can pick on also what are good trate levels 0?
Changing the crush coral to sand probably cause a spike in ammonia and nitrites.I would just wait,feed lightly and it will eventually go back to zero.Ammonia and Nitrite needs to be zero before adding anymore fish not nitrates.Still I would work on getting your trates down even more,perhaps 20ppm or less.Water changes after your trites goes down to zero would do the trick.


Active Member
your nitrates raising is a good sign: it means your bacteria is breaking down the bad stuff in your tank.
nitrates will go away with:
water changes
sand beds (deeper the better)
refugium with macro algae
cleaner clams in the sand beds.
i dont mind them i just wont buy anything that they can pick on
what you don't realize is there is NOTHING they won't pick on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
your nitrates raising is a good sign: it means your bacteria is breaking down the bad stuff in your tank.
nitrates will go away with:
water changes
sand beds (deeper the better)
refugium with macro algae
cleaner clams in the sand beds.
what you don't realize is there is NOTHING they won't pick on.

couldnt have said it any better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
your nitrates raising is a good sign: it means your bacteria is breaking down the bad stuff in your tank.
nitrates will go away with:
water changes
sand beds (deeper the better)
refugium with macro algae
cleaner clams in the sand beds.
what you don't realize is there is NOTHING they won't pick on.
That's not true. Lots of people keep damsels with other fish without any problems. Good tank mates include clowns, psuedos/dottybacks, chromis. In all the years I've kept fish, the most aggressive fish I've ever had is a tomato clown, and I've kept lots of different damsels.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
That's not true. Lots of people keep damsels with other fish without any problems. Good tank mates include clowns, psuedos/dottybacks, chromis. In all the years I've kept fish, the most aggressive fish I've ever had is a tomato clown, and I've kept lots of different damsels.
you're very lucky i guess. I'd never EVER get a damsel from all the horror stories here, other websites, friend's experiences, AND the LFS saying never to get one. Even books i've read said that if you want to add something that will terrorize your whole tank, making life for other fishmates miserable, get a damsel.
the ONLY way i'd get a damsel is if it were a damsel only tank, and it were some of those flame damsels that are insanely pretty.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
you're very lucky i guess. I'd never EVER get a damsel from all the horror stories here, other websites, friend's experiences, AND the LFS saying never to get one. Even books i've read said that if you want to add something that will terrorize your whole tank, making life for other fishmates miserable, get a damsel.
the ONLY way i'd get a damsel is if it were a damsel only tank, and it were some of those flame damsels that are insanely pretty.
Guess me and thousands of others are lucky then. BTW - Aside from everything you've heard about damsels, have you ever tried actually keeping one yourself? It's really best to base opinions on personal experiences, not hearsay.


Active Member
no thanks. i'll go with the other thousands who say they are the devil and wish they never got them.