rearranged rock, fish MIA


well, i rearranged my rock around yeterday and my flasher wrasse is missing. i havent seen him since then. i'm getting really worried!!?? i thought he would have come out by now. perhaps he's stuck between rocks? this is just terrible. i looked in all the holes and crevices but no sign of him. should i wait longer or take out all my rocks to find him? :(


thanks for the reply,
what he's done in the past is lie very very still at the base of some rock until im done moving things around. he just doesn't seem to move out of the way like everything else does. so im afraid he may be stuck! i fed about an hour ago and still no sign of him. hes usually very active. so if he is stuck, should i wait a few days still to see if he can maneuver his way out? or move everythig now? i hate to move everything, but if i can save my fish it wil be well worth it...


Active Member
My coral beauty did that and ended up on the floor. I would look but I am kind of weird like that. I count everyone before bed and when I get up in the morning.