Reccomendations for 75gal.


It's been since October I've had my FOWLR tank and from then until now I've been battling Ick believe it or not. Well finally I put in a DSB and let it cycle, and now I am ready for fish.
What would be some good fish to start with?
Thanks in advance


Active Member
What type of setup do you want? Aggressive, reef, fowlr? I've got a 75 aggressive with a picasso trigger, gold striped soapfish, and a snowflake eel. Depending on what tank type you want will allow board members to give the best suggestions. Bo


Well, if I could pick again, Id really like a clown trigger for their looks and color, but to have a clown trigger, you really need to build the tank around HIM.
Id go Clown trigger, a ribbon eel (they look gorgeous and eat just fine if you teach them to each ghost shrimp and strip squid.)
Then maybe a cleaner shrimp and a cb shrimp.
Last 2 fish... hmm...
how about a volitan lion and a blue box fish (not sure if compatible)
Plan carefully and add slowly. I know its cliche now, but I didnt believe it and I killed about 8 fish from overstocking. Just go slow and plan ahead! Good Luck!!!!!


Active Member
careful, clown triggers are beautiful, but need more space yet
what type of tank do you want, community, reef or aggressive??


Active Member
a clown would be way too big, i have a gold striped maroon and a sfe eel in my 75 and plan on adding a tang of some sort yellow or purple maybe even a powder brown


Sorry it took so long to reply. Well I'm looking at a FOWLR tank for now. I've been thinking about getting a clownfish or two.


Active Member
If your going to get a clownfish, I HAD a Clarkii clown (not a sebea, they kinda look the same) and I lost him and thats another subject, but he/she was great. I have anemones and the clarkii would make sure they were feed before he/she actually ate, and very active. ;)


go with a pair of percs they are compatible with quite a few fish and great first fish in a tank also very hardy and colorful