received a emperor angel from this site and the salinity was at 1.012


How can they ship these fish at such a low salinity, my tank is at 1.023 and I will have to acclimate for like 6 hrs to bring the salinity to the proper range and hope the emporer makes it.
Has anyone had this salinity problem with there live fish orders?


Active Member
well the water in the bag is going to drop some while its being sent i would think. Also it really dosent matter if you do it the way it says on here it should be ok. Good luck


Active Member
Shipping with a lower salinity also combats any stress caused parasites/diseases, that can develop during shipping.


Active Member
How do you test your salinity?
But 1.012 isn't all that abnormal for fish, and many can make a jump like that quickly. Heck, think freshwater dip. Now THAT is a jump, and yet it is a common treatment.
I know I have been thrilled with my inverts because they come shipped at a nice normal reef salinity, thank goodness.