Received my SWF Order today....questions.


Got my SWF order today. Ordered it Sunday....they must be busy.
Out of the box...this fish I was looking most forward to, my Blue Hippo Tang, was D.O.A..
Everthing else is fine, I think. My question is this. I got a reef package. I acclimated properly. The snails are not moving and the crabs are trying to tip them over. I tried to spread them out in the tank but the crabs are going straight for them. Any suggestions?


not sure, but LOTS of people have told me (including fish stores) that any blue or hippo is problematic and can/will die/get sick before anything else will. Check out different disease posts.. examples are like.. my blue tang has ich my hippo is swimming around erratically my hippo is dying
etc etc etc.
IMO, yes they are beautiful, but I am not willing to waste my money on a fish that is only going to give me trouble. Thank goodness offers a 15 day return. Make sure you read their instructions on freezing in salt baggie and returning asap. Also, (just a question) could it have been a possibility that fed-ex tried to deliver once and you or somebody else wasnt home? IF that could be the case, will investigate before issuing a credit and or exchange. Not making accusations, just trying to save you the strife. Best of luck, but imo I would go for a different fish in replacing.
-Peace n love Rachid and Tonia


ooo yea sharkboy, good eye.. I didn't think of that. Give the snails a poke, if they don't move you better get them out because anything dead in your water is going to be a huge problem with your water parameters.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sexyfishers
ooo yea sharkboy, good eye.. I didn't think of that. Give the snails a poke, if they don't move you better get them out because anything dead in your water is going to be a huge problem with your water parameters.
lol they are snails. They wont react to poking. In fact, if you poke them they will only hide longer. If all of the hermits are going for them, chances are they are dead. If it is only one or two, they may just want the shell. If a snail is dead, there are a few ways to tell although it can be really tricky. Alot of snails have a hard almost fingernail like cover that they use for protection. Take the snail out and use something like a needle. See if you can get it under this protective layer and lightly lift. If the cover stays on tight, the snail is alive. If this cover gives way fairly easily, the snail is dead. Keep in mind the snail is not as strong as you are so there is no need to push hard if you feel any resistance the snail is dead. Also, if they are dead and have been for a while they will smell terribly when you take them out of the water. Or, you can just do my personal favorite and just watch and let them be. If they are dead, the crabs will eat the flesh before it rots. Even if they do rot, they will not make much of an effect on your water.


Active Member
Oh, I forgot to mention, put the snails with the opening face down, it takes time for them to turn over from their back. (if they even can) If the hermits are stalking them they will never get the time they need to flip over. Once they sense the crabs they will go back into their shell. Most snails are more active at night so if by morning they are all in the same spot you left them, take them out and do the tests I told you.
Edit** what size tank is this anyway?


It's a 90 gal tank. It's about 7 months old. I got a 20-55 reef kit because I don't have much in my tank. Up until today, I had a cleaner and CB Shrimp and a lawnmower blennie. Earlier this week I added a refugium. Today I added the reef pkg, a Koran Angel, a bubble tip anemone, a gold banded clown, and 4 enginneer gobies. My water is in great shape. 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, 5 Nitrates (barely), PH is 8.3. Refractometer shows 1.023. I have a 36" sunpod with dual 150W 14k's. 110lbs LR, 80lbs sand. Berlin Skimmer. I think that's about it.

d0 thy d3w

sounds like u added a lot at once..not that this is the cause of ur possibly dead snails..also...ur snails could possibly be stressed...i had to make an emergency tank swap a few days ago and my snails didnt star moving again until today...which is a good couple days after the swap...they just need time to reajust ths all..but if u choose to take them out and check them..alot of snails wi come out of their shells as soon as they leave the water, and begin to search for sumthing to grab on to..if they dont do this u can also smell them and se if they have that "omg!! what just died???" smell