Recent develpment of black spots


Active Member
I have two false percula clownfish that I have had for almost 8 mo.. They are the only two fish in my tank, and I havent added anything but corals to my tank in over 6 mo. Furthermore, no new additions for over 6 weeks. I noticed that my two clowns have developed a few small black spots here and there in the orange parts. They are not raised, but flush with the scales. If anything, it appears that the scales have merely changed color. They feed and eat regularly, they are not scratching or acting strange in anyway. Other than the slight discoloration, they are otherwise normal.
Is this something that I should be concerned with, is it some kind of disease, or should i just leave it alone?


Active Member
HI There,
One of my clowns (well my only clown!) has a black spot on his orange bit and it was just like we get moles, a sign of growing older or maturing. I only had one mind you. Perhaps Terry could just verify this, got a picture of it?
All the best,


Staff member
If the fish are juvenile, it is likely just normal clownfish coloration changes.


Staff member
Clownfish freckles? LOL
If the dots are actually smooth and just a part of the skin, only a different color [black], I wouldn't worry about it.


Active Member
No prob melody! If i remember rightly, I asked the same question to the wise Beth when i started out:) At least it shows we are good at observing our fish and it perhaps is reassurance that we might see any ill signs quite quickly!
All the best,


Staff member
Three essentials:
magnifying glass.
Get used to using the mag glass. You will be steps ahead in detecting any problems with your fish if you routinely give them the once over---particularly when fish that are in QT and you are keeping a close eye out for disease.


Active Member
Well, I have two of the three. I opted not to have a QT tank because I knew that these were the only two fish going in the tank, they came from the same sources, and were the first, and last additions as far as fish go.
I also have a refractometer, but I dont use it for doing hyposalinity treatments, no need to do that.
I also have a magnifying glass, but my question is how can i get a good look at the fish in question with it? they move so ridculously fast that i could never keep up.