Recent Trades


Active Member
Glad to hear that it arrived ok, after the fiasco that I had today at the post office, I thought it was gonna die. Dood, You are going to dig that shroom when it gets bigger and spreads.


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Originally Posted by Farmboy
From Hot883
Looking good. I have included a pic. of your shrooms in my tank. Thanks


Active Member
My camera doesn't do them justice, Cool. They are really nice in person. Maybe I'll fool around with the flash or something. . .Hey, have you all noticed changes in the shrooms as they grow used to your higher power lighting? The PCs I added have made them MORE blue than purple. Not quite as blue as Frosty posted. :scared: Woww! Those were blue! He has them under halides.
Those purple/blue shrooms always look better in other folks tanks. . . . :notsure:

Glad you like 'em, Mr. Cool.


Active Member
Hello Mrs. Boof!
I see you got some hitchhiker mini-feather dusters. See. . .they look better in Tantaboof's tank, also. . . :notsure:
Glad they made it OK.


Active Member
hey i have a quick question? When you trade shrooms how many do you trade? I just got some new ones and did know if you were still trading. These are the ones that i got. Under my lights they are like neon green.


farmboy i dont mean to hijack your thread, but once you frag the mushrooms, how do you move them to a different rock to trade them?


Active Member
Littlebuck-One or two in a thermos is usually a lot, if they are very big. Sometimes I send a snail shell with a few little ones on it(like 3 or 4). The space is limited. You don't want to send more than one piece of rock rubble at a time unless you can rubber band them together. I have convinced myself that 2 different rocks inside that thermos act like a "grinder" on the coral!! :scared: Free floater are ok in pairs.
Style-There are different ways to do this. My favorite is to use some netting (like your fish net) and wrap it around the shroom (snug but not too tight) and the rock you want it on. It works well to make a "bag" of the net and rubber band the whole rock/shroom combo in there.
Next, put it in a place of low flow but medium light(the net blocks a lot of light) and wait a few days to see if it attatched. Some attatch in a day or 2-some take a week. :joy:


ok i cut the mushroom in half with a razor blade, i tried it on a small one first, and let it grow for a couple days, and it looked like it was splitting into 2 mushrooms, so then i tried getting 1 of them off the rock, which didnt work so well, what did i do wrong? if you dont want to clog your thread with my junk please email me at or KaosKidz23 on AIM, and we can discuss it more...thanks a bunch, Kyle