recomendations for new habitants


i want to know what you think i should get for my tank. i have a 30 gal. tank with a marine glow light, heater, a fluidized bed filter , and two diettos. in the tank i have 15-20 lbs of live rock, hundreds of polyps, star polyps, 15 hermits blue and zebra, a coral banded shrinp, sally light foot crab, a emerald crab, 3 mexican turbos, and a red lip blenny. i just want a rough estiment of what i should look into for creatures



Originally posted by Reef Ranger:
fish:anything small w/low activity, like royal grammas, clowns, pygmy angels etc.
anything else?

any fish or inverts in particular and what about any equiptment you think i need


in a small tank you can not put to many fish if you want a reef only... put in a couple feather dusters and you could put in a mandrin and a six line wrasse.[


You definately need some color, get one or two fish. the pygmy angels are small beautifully colored and reef safe. (only one though)