Recommendation for next coral...

fish sense

In my 29g reef I have mushrooms, leather coral, open brain(trachyphilia), a fine grape and torch(euphylia) and a bubble coral. I am looking for some suggestions for a new addition to my tank. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance.


What type are you looking for? Hard Corals, soft corals? How much light do you have for your tank?
Personally I like Blastomussa which are really cool, I have a sinulaxis which is all right, but not my favorite.
Although a really cool item I have is my capnella and my pulsing xenia. Just be careful the xenia seem to spread kinda quick in the right environment. Get what you like, its your tank :)


Active Member
I have a 29 gallon also with some of the same corals as you.
Some polyps look great and are fairly easy to keep.
Check out my pics it may give you an idea.

fish sense

Thanks for the suggestions. More are welcome. I have 4 wpg via PCs. I have desiring xenias but I haven't come across any good ones at the LFS lately. I will check out your recs. Thanks!