Recommended clean-up crew...


....what would be your expert recommendation for a clean-up crew in the following..
60 gal tank - FOWLR (about 70 lbs). Tank well established and 3.5 y/o.
Currently I have:
about 10 blue legged hermits
1 emerald crab (although I haven't seen him in awhile)
1 decorator crab
3 turbo snails.
1 cleaner shrimp
1 yellow tang
1 clown
1 psudochromis
1 mandarin goby
1 yellow butterfly (although I don't think this is the correct name for the fish)
I do tend to overfed. What would you guys consider a good clean-up crew.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pashari
....what would be your expert recommendation for a clean-up crew in the following..
60 gal tank - FOWLR (about 70 lbs). Tank well established and 3.5 y/o.
Currently I have:
about 10 blue legged hermits
1 emerald crab (although I haven't seen him in awhile)
1 decorator crab
3 turbo snails.
1 cleaner shrimp
1 yellow tang
1 clown
1 psudochromis
1 mandarin goby
1 yellow butterfly (although I don't think this is the correct name for the fish)
I do tend to overfed. What would you guys consider a good clean-up crew.
heres what i would add:
one more cleaner shimp
a fire shrimp
30 more turbo snails
15 nassirous (spelling?) snails
3 more emerald crabs
and mabey a couple other crabs


I would try to best match up with what SWF recomends..
Scarlet Hermit Crab: 20
Blueleg Hermit Crab: 20
Turbo/Astrea Snail: 25
Peppermint Shrimp: 5
Emerald Crab: 5
Coral Banded Shrimp: 1