Recommended Lighting for 40gal


New Member
I have a 40gal stretch hex with live rock, two clowns, one chalk basslet, one turfmower blenny, 4 chromis, one oyster, one gorgonian and an odd assortment of mushrooms and sponges . . . I just upgraded my lighting to the following and am wondering if this is enough lighting for some of the low-medium light requirement species of corals.
I just installed two light fixtures - one is a 65w dual daylight sunpaq and the other is a 65w dual actinic sunpaq. The specs on the daylight bulbs are 10,000K and 6,700K daylight and 420NM and 460NM on the actinic. I don't know the formula for conversion and am bit confused about watts, etc. Can anyone advise on how to figure the lighting and if they think this is enough lighting for the low-medium light requirement species of corals?


Active Member
there really arent formulas or conversions persay. so you have 130w of power-compacts, with that you are limited to what you are able to keep, but you can to keep soft corals, and a few of the lower-light demanding lps hard corals. anemones, clams, and sps hard corals are out of the picture though.