Rectangular Triggerfish


New Member
Hi, i'm new to the board and new to the hobbie. I have a 100 gallon tank, and am getting a rectangular triggerfish, can someone tell me something about this fish? And can I keep any inverts with this fish? I was thinking, some shrimp.


Not even a chance!!!! Triggers in general are "meat eaters" and your shrimp will look mighty tasty with some cocktail sauce....

big dave

One of my fav. Triggers because of their colors and the fact thay they are not very aggressive. What else is in the tank that this trig will be going in with? I wouldnt recommend any inverts of any kind with this fish. Also, hardy, semi-aggressive tankmates would be ideal. Personally, if I were to stock a tank with a Rectangular trigger, my stocking list would consist of the followng: Harlequin Tusk Wrasse, or any of many thallossoma species of wrasses, a smaller variety of grouper(i.e. Boknaki,or Miniatus) and maybe a Gold Puffer(make sure its bigger than the trigger) and maybe, and I mean maybe, another fish. Remember, aggressive fish usually get very large and you need to plan on the potential size of these fish or plan on trading in these fish in for smaller ones constantly.


New Member
Can I add any inverts with triggerfish? I was just surfin the web and came across a huma huma triggerfish. I like these triggerfish better then rectangulars, and decided to choose them besides, rectangular. Can any inverts be kept with humas? What do they eat? Aggressiveness? Hardiness?


No inverts with triggerfish.The triggers will have anice seafood dinner. Huma huma triggerfish are some cool fish.These triggers get around 10 in. No inverts with this triggerfish either. No inverts can be gauranteed to be kept with triggers, these fish eat all inverts. Some you may get an exception, but you must be the luckiest guy or girl on earth to get one. Huma humas like all other triggers love meaty foods. Don't feed them live, it is fatty for, them, and freshwater feeders, will give your fish liver problems in the future. You should feed your trigger a variety of foods. Such as frozen foods, like krill, mysis, squid, and other meaty foods. These fish will eat flake, but again feed a variety of foods, for optimum health for your trigger. The humas are extremely hardy. These fish are nice, but some can become mean, I had a mean one, and had to return it. :( It had the best personality.


New Member
Man, I wish you can keep triggerfish with inverts, I thought they did. O well. I was lookin at your tank, and saw some cool triggers, can I add a niger triggerfish to my tank with the huma?


In your sized tank, it may or may not work. I wouldn't do it though, because the tank, in my opinion isn't big enough for two triggers, but it might work, only if you add many territories(caves, crevices, and tunnels). It may work but it depends, I wouldn't do it. If you had a 150 or 175, we could start talkin, then..... These triggers do good in my tank, because there are many territories, so they don't fight for only a couple of territories.


I had two triggers (notice the word HAD) in a 75 gallon and they were good friends. Neither one of them ever had a beef with the other. Unfortunately, my picasso died about 2 weeks ago of unknown causes. I know for a fact that he was not harassed by other tankmates, because he would have held his own. But back to the point, you can have more than one trigger in your tank, but be sure it is large enough.
No to the inverts though...I know it makes you sad, but they will never make it. Period.