Red alage in fuge


Active Member
my display tank is alage free and doing great but in my CPR fuge i have some red slime growing on top of some of my macro's i believe its due to the low flow anyone else had this problem and how did u fix it? i use ro/di water
0 ammonia
0 trates
ph 8.3
alk 4.8
3 chromis in tank
1 blue hippo
3 turbos in display
1 turbo in fuge
1 fighting conch
3 emeralds
1 featherduster
20 scarlets
2 cleaner scarlets shrimp
1 serpant 1 red brittle star
5 Nassarius
10 Cerith
72 bow front tank almost 3 months old thank you.


Active Member
No. 1, better there than the display.
No. 2, add some more flow. How big is the tank? You shouldn't need much more flow.


I have the same problem with my cpr hang on refuge. It hasn't spread, knock on wood, so I am not too concerned. From what i have read, pods will eat up this nutritious food source and be better food for the rest of the tank. When mine gets too bad I just scrape it off. To each, his own, but I don't let it get to me. I just wish my damsels would end up in the refuge, then life would be sweet.


I have the same condition in the fuge and the display is clean. I have always chalked it up to the low flow. It has been that way for quite awhile and hasn't spread to the display, so I am not to concerned.