Red Alage ??


New Member
This stuff has been growing good and was wondering what it is. I have looked online have not found anythig like it.



some tangs I take it to my lfs and we put some in all the tanks to see what will eat it .Dog Face Puffer liked it to .


New Member
I had a extra large turo snail eat at it so i took it back. This stuff grows fast just from a small piece.
The first 3 people to POST and ask me for a piece will get a 1in x 1in piece for FREE just pay priority shipping will be under 1 lb so it will cost you 4.05 :cheer:
paypal account required.
Sorry i only have 3 pieces to share. Maybe later i will have more.
Still dont know the name of this stuff


Dude that stuff grows like weeds in tank. I crop it every week. Its called Halmenia ( do not quote me on the spelling) It only grows under good conditions


Originally Posted by twistat420
This stuff has been growing good and was wondering what it is. I have looked online have not found anythig like it.

I just bought some Zoo's, that have something like yours, only mine is dark purple. I was told it is a Macro Algea