Red Algae Help


New Member
I have a 55 gal, started about 1 yr ago. I am getting red algae and bubbles all over my crushed coral and lr. My sal is 1.022, 0 nitrites, amm. Phos is lowered to .02 and nitrates at 10. A couple of weeks ago I added 2 x 175 MH with 2 110 actinic blue vho. My phosphates were high and my lfs suggested to do a 20% water change and then 10% 2x a week and add no chemicals or additives besides kalk. I use RI/DO and it tests for 0 phosphates. Now I am lowering my phosphates, I get the red algae. I keep the mh on for 9 hrs and the vho for 12 hrs a day.
The fish are yellow tang, wrasse, 2 pecula clowns, royal gamma and a spotted hawkfish. Corals are elegance, gonipora, frogspawn and a hammer.
I have a sump with bioballs and a skimmer underneath the tank.
Any suggestions would be appreciated,


Active Member
I would replace the cc bed with a dsb if possible. You can do it slowly. Your lfs gave you good info with the water changes suck out as much algae as possible. Are your vho lights actinic? What are your calcium levels?


New Member
Calc is 500. Yes the vho is actinic. Do you have any suggestions for replacing the crushed coral for dsb?


Active Member
Wow your calcium is a little high, not the cause though. Lighting sounds good too so in my opinion its the cc that caused the outbreak. I would suck out the cc with water changes slowly and add live sand or Southdown sand unit you have 3 to 5 inches of sand and no cc. You will have to add the sand VERY slowly so you dont overcloud your tank and kill your corals. It may take a few weeks or a month to get it all in.


Active Member
Reduce the lighting to 4hrs a day and and feed the fish less for about a week and it should go away.