Red Algae out of control


New Member
In both my 180 gal and my 90 gal reef tanks I've struggled with an unidentified red algae. It's only in the two towers in the 180 gal and I recently added a long-spined sea urchin into one tower at the suggestion of my aquarium shop owner to see if that slows it down. The 90 gal is a much harder problem since it's on the rocks and spreading fast. Yellow tang ate it like crazy but I removed him because he was too aggressive. Within a week of his departure, it's baaaack!
This red algae is soft, scalloped and grows in clumps which can be scraped off. It just attaches to everything and spreads. I can't find out its correct name . . . no one seems to know and I've not seen it in any of my books. Any ideas? I may try the turf algae filter mentioned by Santa Monica to lower nitrates/phosphates in the 90 gal tank which is overfed . . . seahorses.